
Cardio Exercises

Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises are very important and also very popular. Generally, many people who are still vary of weight training, have a preference for Cardio workouts. Cardio exercises are not used only to reduce body fat, but can definitely be used to retain and build muscle. Cardio exercises pump up the heart rate and are very important for building muscles. There are many benefits of cardio exercises, they improve the blood flow and these exercises utilize the fats that balance hormones. It makes you look better and definitely lead to an increased stamina. Cardio exercises are responsible for boosting weight loss and when you combine this with strength training, this combination is effective.

Mostly when people think about cardio exercises, then generally they think of Aerobics, Dance, Zumba Cycle, Treadmill, or long walks,  LISS, Sprint, comes to mind. While these activities are extremely effective for cardiovascular health and fat loss. But however, they may not help in muscle growth. But the thing is that when you do proper cardio exercises which involves some kind of resistance training, also, then they can help you maintain your muscle and also build muscle.

9 Best Cardio exercises for you:

1. Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers is a wonderful full body high density exercise which will engage lower and upper body. This muscle cardio exercise targets the lower body as well as the upper body, the shoulders, arms, legs, all at once. It becomes an effective way for cardio and strength training. You can do it in a time interval sector, say do it for 3 minutes, then take 30 seconds rest, and then repeat; or you could do it in counts of 100/200 followed by 30 seconds rest. The intensity shall depend entirely on your stamina. May I also add that doing this cardio exercise regularly shall increase and built up your stamina.

You have to be very careful about the movement to have the do this effectively. Start with the standing position with your hands on the floor and your body in a straight line from head to heels;  bring your right knee towards your chest, and then switch and bring your left knee forward. Alternate your legs at a fast space as if you’re climbing a mountain. It is generally done with an incline box or a stepper in front of you to give them the elevated feeling.

This is an extremely good cardio exercise and it also helps you to engage your core. A must do for workout.

2. Jumping Jacks

A very basic, simple and popular exercise which is generally accredited as one of the best cardio exercises. This exercise is one of the best workouts for a home workout.  It is one exercise that can be modified to include muscle building benefits. The explosive movement of jumping on your feet, is fat burning and it also works on your legs and arms while also challenging the cardiovascular system. The key is to perform this with a high intensity and ensuring that the heart rate stays elevated.

Believe me when I say that hundred jumping jacks per day will not only help you lose weight as it will be the one of the best cardio, but also help you retain muscle as your arms and legs while keeping the core engaged.

How to do it

Stand straight, keep your feet apart at shoulder length and keep your hands on your side while you jump. Raise your hands on the sides like a lateral raise and try raising your arms overhead;  go back to the position and start again.

3. High Knees

The best cardio exercises that not only boost your heart rate but also engage the lower body. High Knees is not a very easy exercise, but it is very popular amongst athletes as those who swear upon this, and include this in HIIT.

It is extremely explosive and the target muscles are the quadriceps hamstrings and also the core. A high-intensity exercise. This can be helped to maximise muscle building when you work on the speed and make it a high-intensity exercise.

Let’s see how we can do it your feet with apart by raising your right knee towards your chest and quickly follow it with your left knee, some people try to keep their arms straight and try touching the knees to the length of their arms with their hands as it controls the movement and also ensures the height of the jump. The coordination between your arms and legs also helps a lot in maintaining the height and the movement.

4. Burpees

Burpees are a full body exercise as it combines both the strength and cardio into one exclusive movement. This exercise is said to be extremely effective and it increases heart rate while one performs. The target muscles are the core chest, legs and arms, it also makes one of the best muscle cardio exercises.

How to do Burpees?

Step one: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Next drop into a squat position, placing your hands on the floor as if you’re doing a push-up immediately. Jump back into your feet into a plank position and do a push-up and then jump your feet forward and jump explosively into the air, land and repeat the moment.

It is an extremely high intensity exercise that works multiple muscle groups. This includes the chest, arms and core by increasing your heart rate and incorporating strength movements become one of the most fantastic cardio exercises to retain and build muscle.

5. Jump Squats

Again, a very powerful cardio exercise, that also targets lower body as it involves squatting. When you are in a position, then hamstrings, glutes and quadriceps, and all the three muscle groups are targeted and added to the traditional squat.

Actually if we increase the intensity we engage more muscle fibres. This movement again becomes explosive and provides a cardiovascular challenge also.

How to do it?

Stand in a position and try to keep your hands on your hips or in front of you, lower your body into a squat position and immediately try to jump. Make sure your knee should not be crossing your toes and then go back into the squat position. Do this at least 10 repetitions in one set. And try doing atleast 4 sets.

Jump squats also helps in developing muscle strength in your legs and glutes, and they also boost the heart rate.


Jump rope, jumping rope, or skipping rope is one of the most popular cardio exercises. It is a sport in itself, and even has athletes, and championships dedicated to it. There are fitness enthusiasts who are so fascinated by this, that they do only skipping for their cardio routine, but the fact is that it has multiple benefits. This,in fact, is the only Cardio exercise that not only increases the heart rate but also strengthens leg, core and arms, the repetition, jumping movement, coordination, and timing, and also engages your brain.

This also helps you burn calories but retails retain muscle mass. There are so many varieties of jump ropes, and you can begin with an easy one, but slowly and so on progress to the more intense ones as single leg, jumping, high knee, jumping back, jumping, cross, and so many more. There are many varieties in this, and this requires alertness, coordination of mind and muscle, and very prompt foot work. That is why it is deemed difficult too. But this is also great fun to do and very addictive ….


Box jumps are very popular, both amongst gym lovers, and also as an essential exercise in Crossfit. It’s a powerful high intensity cardio exercise that works on the legs as well as the core, but also provides a heart pumping workout. jumping onto a box of platform.  You build an explosive strength.

Let us see how to do it:

Stand in front of a steady box or a platform with your feet shoulder width apart, hold into the square position and jump straight onto the box, jump back and land very softly with your feet flat and then step down. Repeat the movement. Be very careful of the height of the box as you might get hurt if you can’t jump that high. Choose a height that is as per your strength and jump. Its always good to challenge one self though. The target muscles which engage in a box jump are hamstring, glutes and calves, and this is also excellent cardio.

8. Kettlebell Swing

Doing your kettlebell swing along with weight training, is an excellent cardio as well as muscle exercise. This will give you arm movement and your core will be targeted at the same time. You will also be losing calories.

Let’s see how to do it :

Stand in a wide stance, and hold the kettlebell as per your strength. Hold it sturdy and swing it upwards, bringing it down in the same thrust and force. Do atleast 10 reps in one set. Don’t forget to take care of your breath work, as it is an explosive movement.

9. Battle Rope

One of the best cardio and muscular strength training exercise is the battle rope. Do it in a  bout of 10 seconds to 1 minute, and you will see a marked difference in your physique.

You could do alternate arms or you both together. This is one of the most explosive exercises ever, and can be done along with weight training or on your dedicated cardio days.


Cardio workouts should be your go to options, while building muscle and burning calories. This works well, majorly for athletes, and professionals who have specific fitness goals. These exercises focus more muscles rather than weight loss. Not only are they efficient, but also maximise your workout.

Most of the exercises mentioned here are explosive, thus they also help in improving the metabolism.

As you progress, and these exercises form a part of your routine, or comfort zone, you should challenge yourself further by increasing the time, and intensity; maybe adding weights to your jumping squats, and increasing the weight of the kettlebell.

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