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What is whey protein concentrate?

Whey is a complete protein with all 9 essential amino acids. When milk is curdled the liquid gets separated. This liquid is a rich source of whey protein. Whey protein comes in two forms:

  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Whey protein isolate

When whey protein is processed further it gets stripped off its fat and lactose content. This form of protein is called whey protein concentrate. It is a slightly more concentrated form of protein typically 30-80% by weight. However, it still contains small amounts of fat, carbohydrates (lactose) in it. It helps in building muscles, provides strength & promotes recovery.

Whey protein concentrate: Benefits & Uses

  • Whey protein concentrate contains all 9 essential amino acids and therefore is rich source of protein.
  • Anyone, from a beginner to an expert bodybuilder or even an athlete, can use whey protein Concentrate powder as a complete protein.
  • It is always advised to take whey protein concentrate during intense workout sessions as it promotes muscular growth and recovery.
  • Whey protein concentrate has a slightly creamy texture and milky taste. It also mixes well in water or skimmed milk and can be digested easily.
  • It can easily be added to your breakfast cereal or smoothies as a healthier alternative.

How to use whey protein concentrate?

  • Intense workout sessions can cause lactic acid to build up in muscles. It is therefore recommended to have whey protein concentrate for quick muscular recovery.
  • Muscletech’s Nitrotech Whey protein (whey protein blend) contains 30g of protein in 1 scoop that makes 1 serving size.
  • Mix 1 scoop with 175-240ml of cold water or skimmed milk in a shaker.
  • Shake it well and you will see the powder dissolves very quickly in the liquid.
  • The recommended dosage is 1 serving per day.
  • You can also add 1 scoop of whey protein concentrate in your smoothies, breakfast cereal and breakfast cereals. You can also have it as shake by mixing it in chilled skimmed milk.

Where to buy whey protein concentrate?

Whey concentrate is easily available in the market however one should shortlist the best brand available in the market. Always buy whey concentrate from a brand that has a legacy in producing best quality whey protein concentrate. Carefully read the label to know the ingredient listing in the product. You can either buy whey protein concentrate directly from the brands website or go to your nearest retail outlet or even a healthcare store.  Whey protein concentrate is easily available in the market. Many speciality stores and healthcare stores have experienced and very knowledgeable staff to guide you to the best whey protein concentrate powder. You can also visit brands website to know the details and usage and buy whey concentrate directly from the website. Brand reputation, product quality and ingredient transparency are some of the key factors one should consider before buying whey protein concentrate.

FAQs on Whey Protein Concentrate

Can I take whey protein concentrate for weight loss?

Protein, in general is more satiating than carbohydrates and fats as it takes longer to digest. Hence it can make a person feel full for a longer period of time decreasing their overall calorie intake. Therefore, it is considered good for weight management goals. Protein also contains a higher thermic effect than carbohydrates and fats. More calories are burnt during the digestion and metabolism of protein.

What is the best time to consume whey protein concentrate?

Whey protein concentrate is best consumed before major meals and after exercise.

Post workout recovery – it is advised to consume whey protein concentrate within 30-60 minutes of finishing the workout to support muscle repair and speed up the recovery.

Between meals – it can also be taken as a healthy snacking option to control hunger pangs in between meals. You can also prepare healthy protein rich snacks to help control appetite.

Morning time – You can add whey protein concentrate to your breakfast smoothy or cereals for that extra dash of protein in the diet. It can help in replenishing protein deficiency in the body.

How to Store Whey Protein Concentrate?

You should always store your whey protein concentrate protein powder in ambient temperature in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight or hot places (like kitchen, near fridge or any other electronic gadget that transmits heat). Always ensure your whey protein concentrate supplement is packed air-tight.

The ideal temperature for storage is 16 degree Celsius to 27 degree Celsius.

What does it mean by 100% Whey when Whey Protein Concentrate delivers only 80% protein?

100% whey means that the protein used in whey protein concentrate is derived from an authentic source which 100% protein. It does not contain any other artificial additive, egg or any other plant source. It is derived from 100% whey after curdling the milk. 1 scoop of whey protein concentrate however contains 80% of protein and the rest is a composition of fat and carbohydrates.

Can we combine Whey with other supplements?

Yes, you can combine your whey concentrate with any other supplement like fish oil, multivitamin or probiotic that help in easy digestion. Muscletech’s Nitrotech whey protein powder is enhanced with a researched form of creatine to support muscles and improve performance.
You can stack it with other performance boosting supplements like- pre workout booster, TestHD, EAA + Energy etc.

How long does it take to find results from Whey Protein Concentrate?

Any exercise regimen takes at least 2-3 months for the body to start showing results. Similarly, any supplementation process including concentrate protein taken in the right quantity takes around 2 months to start showing visible results. But one starts feeling better from week 2 of consumption.

Please note- only supplements will not show any results. A well planned supplement plan along with exercise, right nutrition and rest is must.

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