
15 Exercises to Build Explosive Power

15 Exercises to Build Explosive Power

Dominating your sport requires speed, power, strength and size — the foundation of any athlete. Here are 15 exercises for developing explosive strength and power. Take your game and performance to the next level. It’s time to stand out from the crowd! 

Lateral Plank up Downs

In the plank position, go down onto your elbows and then back up again on your hands. Then, walk on your hands and toes vertically three paces in one direction. Repeat, then go back the other way. 

Medicine Ball Push-Ups

With one hand on a medicine ball and the other on the floor, do push-ups for a predetermined time. Then, do the other side for the same amount of time. 

Plank Circle Walks

In the plank position with a ball just forward of your hands, walk your hands around the ball, keeping your feet movement aligned with your hands and maintaining the straight body position. Walk all the way around in several steps for a predetermined time, then reverse direction for the same amount of time.  

Lateral Plank Walks

In the plank position with the ball to the left of your hands, walk your hands over it by moving your body to the left. Then, repeat to the right. Repeat for a predetermined time. 

Lateral Plank Walks With Push-up

In the plank position with your left hand on the ball (right on the ground), complete a push-up. Then, walk to the left, so that your right hand is on the ball and your left is on the ground. Complete another push-up. Go back in the opposite direction, repeating for a predetermined time.  

Ball Plank Holds

In the plank position with both hands on the ball, complete push-ups for a predetermined time. This should resemble a diamond push-up. 

Squat Jumps

Standing erect with your feet shoulder-width apart, go into a deep knee bend and jump off the floor as high as possible, getting your feet off the floor and pumping your arms to assist. Reset quickly and go into the next rep. 

Box Jumps

Choose a box height suitable for your ability. Standing behind the box, go into a deep knee bend and jump forward and up onto the box while pumping your arms. Reset for balance and jump back to the start position, but immediately go into another knee bend and hop back on the box. 

Lateral Box Jumps

Stand next to a box of the appropriate height. Bend your knees and jump sideways onto the box while pumping your arms, ensuring both feet land facing forward and are stable. Go right into a knee bend and jump off the box to the other side, again feet facing apart. Reverse direction. 

Butt Kicks

Running in place, alternate bringing your foot as high as possible behind you, quickly alternating sides. Land on your toes to maintain quickness. 

Ice Skaters

While standing on one leg, bend your knee slightly and jump horizontally to the other leg. On the other leg, jump back to the original leg and repeat as quickly as possible. 

Single-Leg Power Step-Ups

With one foot already on a box just in front of you and the alternate arm extended in front in an L shape, do a shallow knee bend and quickly hop up while pumping your arm, putting the opposite foot on the box while removing the original foot, so you’re alternating feet. Go back and forth. 

Medicine Ball Throws

With your feet shoulder-width apart, use a medicine ball that provides ample resistance (8 lbs. or more). Squat down and thrust the ball up against the wall with maximum force. Catch it, reset and repeat for a predetermined time. 

Frog Jumps

With your legs wide, squat down and jump as far forward as possible. Regain balance and repeat for a predetermined time. 

High Jumps

With your feet shoulder-width apart, squat down and explode off the ground, jumping as high as possible. Reset quickly and repeat for a predetermined time. 

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